The pre-assembled of natural stone is the result of the effort of achieving a quick and easy way of laying, pretending that the final result is a mason work. The pre-assembled pieces are made with small stone pieces glued together, combining all chromatic tones that each colour can offer, playing with shapes and thickness to have unique wall creations, combining the warmth it offers with the timelessness the stone represents. Because of its nature, fits perfectly for both, a rustic environment and a modern construction searching for the innovated pureness of lines.

New and spectacular panelling that will change the way we think of natural stone.

Installation instructions of wallstone


Installation instructions of wallstone


The first step is to verify if the material (model, form and quality) that you have received is the same that you have chosen and check with the delivery note. This verification is done checking the labels of the product and opening the boxes and seeing the stones, additionally you should check if the material is suitable for the use you will give. You should consider the size and features of the construction, because could have reductions when you cut the material.


  • The surface must be dry, clean, with no loose parts and plumb.
  • The material to stick the stones depends on the features of the surface, climatic conditions, use, etc. The recommended adhesive, by general rule, will be C2 according to UNE 12004/12002. Check and follow the adhesive manufacturer's instructions. The stone will have to be clean and dry, with no dust and no small flakes.
  • Installation, pieces will be mixed of several pallets for to get a homogeneous colour (tone). The adhesive will be always applied with double glue. The glue should be installed over the surface and on the back of the stone. This step is very important because the stone is formed by smaller stones, the glue only assemble the pieces, does not add strength to the whole. It is not necessary the use of joints between parts. They have to respect the expansion joints of the construction, and to add the necessary pieces depending of the size of the construction. To cut you should use cut machine with wet edge and a diamond disc. . You should not use a manual grinder because it can transmit to the product a lot of vibrations and it can be damaged. It is not necessary to put mechanical moorings because the pieces are small and will be stuck how the previous instructions.
  • Cleaning, at the time of the installation you must use a damp sponge. When you finish the installation, you must remove every rests completely. Sometimes could be necessary a cleaning before putting the material in case of a specific treatment.
  • Treatments: when was necessary, by aesthetic causes or by necessity, it applies always following the manufacturer's instructions. You always should verify if the treatment is correct. Do not forget that the treatments need maintenance over time.


Always is very important to remember that the stones are natural products, and they are subject to variations of their shades, changes of composition and alterations of their texture, which are not imperfections, this is a certificate that you are using natural products.

All our recommendations are based on our experiences, so could be different depending on the applications, conditions of the construction, support…, you should consult the current normative. We aren’t responsible of a bad installation or bad use of our products.



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